maandag 28 november 2011

arabian women participating in endurance sport, Al Asayl endurance

It is wonderful to watch this Youtube clip, and see arabian women participate in endurance racing too, a sign of progress, and some good news about the position of arabian women in the Middle-East, and contradicting all the negative news about women in arab countries.

Other big names and great horses in endurance riding

Other big names in endurance riding also pop up of course. It is a tribute to the endurance sport and endurance horses to show some of their results.

Virginie Atger from France.

Sabrina Arnold from Germany

woensdag 16 november 2011

World champion in Qatar 1997

The finish is definitely the most astonishing and lovely finish I ever watched, when Tarek and the German  Adam Sadler, passed the finish together hand in hand, because Tarek while passing him, compassionately decided to give him the honour of finishing together, and make him in a way a mutual winner. That was a sportive moment, in spite of competion and competing in the end let compassion and friendlyness prevail.

zondag 13 november 2011

zaterdag 12 november 2011

Media covering New Market race, UK, july 1999

Article in "The Independent", 5th of July 1999
Racing: Marathon to quicken the pulse Over an 87 mile course yesterday an endurance test reached enthralling climax. The scenarario was perhaps, unremarkable, Sheikh Mohammed and his entourage watching one horse beating another by a couple of lengths at Newmarket. The difference was that the famous straight was the final effort in a contest rather longer than usually witnessed at racing's headquarters. The Rowley Mile was the last of 87.
At a minute to three yesterday afternoon the 41-year-old Saudi Arabian businessman Tarek Taher and his brown eight-year-old Java passed the post just ahead of Irishwoman Jane Stanley on her chestnut Sharikh. They and 46 others had set out at 6am to tackle a course that took them looping round the training gallops and out towards the neighbouring town of Bury St Edmunds along Suffolk's lanes and bridleways. The race, run under the direction of the British Endurance Riding Association and sponsored by local equine auctioneering firm Tattersalls, was the highest-powered international event of its type held in Britain. Taher is world champion and over a flat, fast course he and his hard, lean gelding kept up an average speed of 15 miles an hour. Endurance riding is a fast-growing sport with an appeal that is easy to fathom. It is not spectator-friendly like conventional racing but its format makes for considerable excitement. At regular intervals the horses must undergo stringent veterinary checks - a human marathon runner can make the decision not to go through the wall, but the equine equivalents must have it taken for them - and the tension at these pit stops is palpable as the back-up crews wait for their rider.But first in does not always mean quickest. At a compulsory short break the clock stops ticking only when the horse's pulse rate has reached a level low enough to satisfy the vets and a canny judgement of pace can turn around minutes lost on the course. Taher's expertise was such that with a top limit of 60 beats per minute, Java's rate had reduced to a laid-back 48 almost as soon as he pulled up for the final time. But at the 75-mile mark it seemed as though Mohammed might be celebrating a compensatory win after Xaar's near miss at Sandown. The Sheikh, among the entries for the race, had elected instead to join the pit crew of his 17-year-old son Rashid, chasing him enthusiastically round the countryside in a Godolphin blue landcruiser. Rashid, ninth after the first leg, picked off his rivals one by one and, legged up and cheered away by his father, cantered away from the final vet gate on the little grey mare Djamila 10 minutes clear of the field. All he had to do was not get lost to win but, as the Sheikh's binoculars scanned down the Rowley Mile in vain, it became clear that is just what he did. Just like real racing there was a stewards' enquiry, and Stanley was demoted a place in favour of another Emirates rider, Saeed bin Huzaim, on one of Hamdan's horses, Ceylih, for taking a small short cut. The top- placed British rider was Jenny Jackson, 10th on her Connemara pony Burning Best, 37 minutes after the winner. Poor direction markers might have been to blame for Mohammed's disappointment, but where horses are concerned, it is an emotion he understands. And any father of an air-headed teenager would know his clenched fingers, eyes- to-heaven gesture of frustration as victory was snatched away.

Media covering Raid du Luxembourg 25th of june 2011

Arrival finish Raid du Luxembourg 2011

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Belgium: Le Raid du Luxembourg a Great Success

Everything perfect for this 'old fashion' endurance ride on the weekend of 25th June.
Old fashion because it was looking like the event organized 10 to 15 years ago, that not being negative, on the contrary. A very nice and cheerful ambiance, smiling ride managers; and the most important, the trail was exceptional, a perfect footing where one could hardly encounter rocks. But the course was technical with many ups and downs and turns; in between many opportunities to canter on a perfect going. So congratulations to the organizers, Valy and Daniel Schmartz.
On the 120km, Tarek Taher from Saudi Arabia made his comeback, riding a young horses trained by JF Frances. Second place for the trainer, Frances and third place for the French rider Nicole Doignon. The day after, the same Frances/Arnold Stables won also the trophy, but this time with Sabrina Arnold onboard.
résultats   here
October 2011, France, "le Raid de Tartas", First place with Patcha de la Marjorie.Media covering in the French newspaper "SudOest"On parlait toutes les langues à Ous Pins ce week-end car le centre équestre accueillait les épreuves du grand concours international d'endurance. On venait d'Algérie, Arabie Saoudite, Finlande, Espagne, Allemagne ou du Sultanat d'Oman. C'est Tarek Abdullhadi Taher qui remportait, sur Patcha de la Marjorie, l'épreuve du CEI** devant Melody Theolissat sur Padichach du Paon, arrivée deuxième tandis que Fanny Roux se classait troisième sur Nafaa La Lizonne. Endurance. Des parcours de 90 km, d'autres de 132 km... une épreuve pour les cavaliers mais plus encore pour les chevaux qu'il faut régulièrement hydrater en les faisant boire et en les arrosant. Entre chaque boucle - le parcours en comptait cinq - il faut arrêter le cheval pendant 40 mn pour lui assurer une bonne récupération et le présenter chaque fois au contrôle vétérinaire. D'où la présence de six docteurs sur le site… espagnols, belges et français qui vérifient les muqueuses, le métabolisme, le rythme cardiaque et les éventuelles traces de boiterie. L'endurance, c'est aussi beaucoup d'eau pour les cavaliers mais surtout pour les chevaux : pour ces deux journées, les équipes d'Ous Pins ont transporté et distribué dix citernes de 4 500 litres chacune. Pour les deux autres épreuves, réservées aux jeunes cavaliers, Virginie Atger remportait le CEI* sur Alberto Aubanel devant l'Espagnole Maddalen Casteron Aguirre sur Foque de Quijas classée deuxième, Danielle Ghyoros prenant la troisième place sur Nedjain d'Ys. Enfin pour la grande épreuve du CEIYJ** 132 km, Lisa Riou remportait la première place sur Favela. Déjà, aux championnats d'Europe, cette jeune Bretonne avait remporté la médaille d'or par équipe en 2008 et 2010 et se classait deuxième en individuel en 2010. Nicolas Del Prato prend la deuxième place sur Driss devant Romain Persicot sur Haissa. Direction Abou Dhabi Cette dernière épreuve servait de sélection pour le prochain championnat du monde d'Abou Dhabi qui se tiendra le 10 décembre prochain, ainsi que pour la Maktoum Cup de Dubaï qui aura lieu en janvier. D'ailleurs, la sélectionneuse de l'équipe de France, Bénédicte Emond-Bon, était sur place avec Mari Galliou-Goachet, la vétérinaire équestre nationale pour les jeunes cavaliers ainsi qu'Alain Soucosse, le directeur technique national adjoint de la Fédération. Huit jeunes cavaliers étaient choisis pour le championnat du monde. Annie Quillon

endurance racing Tarek Taher

Tarek Taher



4 major international races

1- Debol championship Spain, 130 km   horse: Jalmoud
2- World championship Spain, 160 km   horse:  Java
3- Monte Cuq championship, France, 200 km in 2 days, with Alredo
4- Barcelone championship, 2 days, 200 km

Arrow championship, Switserland, 200km in two days, on the horse Ami, second place


First non European to qualify for the world cup Endurance with the horse Lizazat

European championship in Pratoni del Vivaro, in Rome, Italy, sixth place

World Cup, Qatar, first place with the horse Namouck de Ducor

European championship, 160 km, Lizazat, sixth place


July championship, first with the horse Jalmoud
King Abdul Aziz Cup 130 km, with the horse Saqr al Madina
First, New Market championship, 140 km with Java

Spain Championship, 160 km, second with Saqr al Madina

Wadi Ram championship, Jordan, with Saqr al Medina, third plac


First, Monte Cuq championship, with the horse Jalmoud

European championship 160 km, with Java

In 2000 and 2001 12th and 14th place in different races,


Toledo championship, Spain, 130 km, with the horse Saqr Taibah, first place with golden medal and best horse price


22nd of may 2011 Castelsagrat, 130 km with Alredina

25th of june 2011, Le Raid du Luxembourg, Luxembourg, 120 km, with the horse Qualy de Lisa, first place

24th of july 2011, Euston Park Race, UK, 120 km with the horse Ainhoa Solmiris, 5th place

Raid del Cron, Alredina

22nd of october 2011, Raids de Tartas,  130 km with the horse Patcha de la Marjorie, first place
List of main participants and results of the Tartas Raids.

Tarek Abdullhadi Taher (Sau)Patcha de la Marjorie21,28
Melody Theolissat (Fra) Padichach du Paon21,27
Virginie Simon (Fra)Omega De Suleiman20,99
Emilie Lambert (Fra) Dakar de Fontnoire20,91
Roland Verge (Fra)Ainhoa Soldarike20,58
Nina Lissarrague (Fra) Gem el Gem20,51
André Vidiz (Bra)Vermute Endurance20,46
Alex Luque Moral (Esp) Koheilan Kincso20,45
Jon Ander Mato García (Esp)Adal Ofelia20,19
10ºArthur Desprez (Fra) Pacha D'aurabelle20,14
11ºEnora Boulenger (Fra)Melia du Barthas20,1
12ºJulien Goachet (Fra) Kutas Koheilan Rezi20,1
13ºKamel Bellil (Fra)Panely de la drome20,01
14ºLaurent Mosti (Fra) Siam De Fontnoire20
15ºRut Comas Molist (Esp)Magyar 1020
16ºMiquel Vila Ubach (Esp) Halászi 1019,99
17ºLea Vogler (Fra)Petofi de Luc19,99
18ºLisa Riou (Fra) Uszko d'Hotelhoge19,94
19ºCecile Miletto Mosti (Fra)Karama la Lizonne19,92
20ºSabrina Arnold (Ale) Baltika des Blayes19,88
21ºJean Philippe Frances (Fra)Qrafik La Majorie19,88
22ºJoel Garcin (Fra) Kezan du Pesquier19,86
23ºMuriel Judic (Fra)Sokolda19,86
24ºSylvie Herard Sez19,86
25ºMarie Allier (Fra)Kenzo al Cassiere19,6
26ºAlexandra Allamand Qassim Du Sauveterre19,6
27ºBernard Touzard (Fra)Naiwenn du Causse19,35
28ºRomain Laporte (Fra) Quartz Des Egas19,31
29ºDéborah Jean (Fra)Quik18,6
30ºClaude Guerin


PlaceMoyenneCourseAnnéeNb KmNb PartantsNb ClassésCheval
HC-COMPIEGNE (Championnat d'Europe Open)200516011160ALJARRF
1514,246PUNCHESTOWN (Championnat d'Europe Sénior Open)20031607729AL JAREF
HC-COMPIEGNE (Mondial des 7-8 ans)20031206033NORA LOTOISE
1314,860JEREZ DE LA FRONTERA (Championnat d'Europe Sénior Open)200216015064JAVA
1215,950CASTIGLIONE DEL LAGO (Championnat d'Europe Sénior Open)20011608241JAVA
1414,730COMPIEGNE (Championnat du Monde)200016014250JAVA
117,140MONTCUQ199920011243NAMOUK DE DUCOR

Endurance horse riding

Endurance horse riding

Endurance riding became a competitive sport in the 1950s and it was in the 1960s that the discipline was brought to Europe. In 1982 the FEI approved Endurance Riding as an official discipline and gradually the number of rides increased from four to eighteen.  In 1998, the World Championships were held in the United Arab Emirates. Since the number of races only increased.

What is Endurance riding ?

From its beginnings as a necessity, Endurance Riding is now a sporting discipline. As horses used to be the main form of transportation, it was only natural to seek a horse that was fit and healthy and had the predisposition to long distances. In modern day competition, the emphasis is placed on the horse finishing in good condition, rather than who finishes first. This explains the stringent rules with regards to veterinary checks through out the race.
Modern competitions consist of a number of sections known as ‘phases’. At the end of each phase, there is a compulsory halt for veterinary inspection. Each horse, which is thoroughly examined before it is allowed to start the ride, must be presented for inspection within a set time of reaching each vetgate. The time spent at each vetgate prior to inspection by the vets is counted as part of the overall competition time and the aim is to determine whether the horse is fit to continue the ride. Any excessive over-riding of a tired horse or any other action that can be defined as cruelty is penalised by disqualification.
It can take years for a combination to be ready to compete in a 160 km ride. Endurance requires extensive preparation and a deep knowledge and understanding between horse and rider, In this way, the wellbeing of the horse can be maintained at all times.

The Support Crew
A vital part of Endurance riding is the support crew. Riders are assisted by a team of helpers who meet them several times over the ride, bringing bottles of water to pour over the horse to cool it down, as well as a drink for the rider. Crews also have spare equipment, in case something breaks down or needs replacing.

Main Competitions

  • The World Equestrian Games
  • World Championships
  • Continental Championships

Endurance became a recognized FEI discipline in 1982, and the international organization has since set down rules with the welfare of the horse as top priority. In the United States, endurance rides are sanctioned by the FEI, the AERC, or both but never the FEI alone. When both the FEI and AERC sanction a ride, the FEI rules prevail.

Two well-known American 100-mile (160 km) endurance rides are The Western States Trail Ride, commonly known as the Tevis Cup, held in California, and the Old Dominion ride, held in Virginia. Additionally, the top riders and horses compete at the World Equestrian Games, the Endurance World Championships, and the European Endurance Championships.
One-day international competitions are 40-160 km. Multi-day competitions are longer but have daily distance limits. Those that are FEI recognized and are broken into the following categories:
  • CEI * (one star): minimum average distance each day is 40-79 km
  • CEI **: 80-119 km minimum average distance each day
  • CEI ***: 120+ km minimum average distance each day
  • CEI ****: usually 160 km, with the winners completing in 10-12 hours
Note: CEI is the notation that the competition is an FEI-approved international competition.
When first recognized by the FEI, there were only four international competitions. This grew to an average of 18 rides per year by 1998, when the first World Championships were held in the United Arab Emirates. The World Championships provided a huge boost to the sport, and, by 2005, there were 353 international competitions, second to only eventing and show jumping. Due to the huge increase in international competition, endurance is growing quite rapidly worldwide.